Helpful Tips To Remember For After Vestibular Balance Therapy

Do you remember the last time you really stopped to think about the quality of healthcare you were getting? About a year ago, I realized that we needed to find a team of professionals that were dedicated to our wellness, so I started looking for a new doctor's office. I was able to find a great business that worked hard to help us every step of the way, and it was an amazing feeling. This website is here to help people to identify the things that are important to them when it comes to health care. Check out this blog for more information.

Helpful Tips To Remember For After Vestibular Balance Therapy

22 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a condition that causes balancing issues, such as bilateral loss or post-traumatic vertigo, then it may be necessary to take advantage of vestibular balance rehabilitation. This rehabilitation can help you deal with various symptoms and it will go smoothly if you remember these post-therapy tips. 

Avoid Driving

After this type of balancing therapy, you may still be experiencing some symptoms of dizziness. Thus, you don't want to get in the car and drive right after a therapy session. This will only increase your likelihood of getting into a wreck.

Rather, you need to have someone drive you to the appointment so that you have a ride back. Your body still needs to calibrate after the various exercises you're asked to complete during therapy. Having someone else drive lets you just relax and focus on getting better. 

Sleep in the Correct Position

You want to be very strategic with how you sleep after going through vestibular therapy. Failing to do this will result in dizziness symptoms. You can avoid them by sleeping at a 45-degree angle. This is best achieved by sleeping in a recliner.

It may be uncomfortable for the next couple of days, but keeping your head vertical is key in keeping your dizziness symptoms from affecting you as greatly throughout the night. If you do sleep in bed, make sure you prop your head up with enough pillows. 

Actively Pursue Dizzying Positions

After you've gone through several sessions of vestibular therapy, it's actually recommended to put yourself in positions that would normally cause you to be dizzy. Your treating physician needs to see if the therapy is being effective or not, after all. You'll typically do this a couple of weeks after this rehabilitation process. 

Just make sure you're extremely careful. You don't want to lose your footing and then end up with a debilitating condition. Just try different positions and see how your body responds. It helps to document any symptoms of dizziness along with the position that caused it. You can then show these results to your doctor and they'll be able to proceed accordingly. 

Having a condition that causes excessive dizziness can be extremely stressful. Fortunately, vestibular balance rehabilitation exists today. It can be used to treat these symptoms, giving you a normal and healthy life to look forward to. As long as you approach the post-therapy aspect correctly, you can get the most out of these sessions.  

About Me
Working With Health Care Clinics

Do you remember the last time you really stopped to think about the quality of healthcare you were getting? About a year ago, I realized that we needed to find a team of professionals that were dedicated to our wellness, so I started looking for a new doctor's office. I was able to find a great business that worked hard to help us every step of the way, and it was an amazing feeling. This website is here to help people to identify the things that are important to them when it comes to health care. Check out this blog for more information.
